The One Who Adored Jesus

No one will ever accuse me of being a Martha—just one look at my house and you’d know that peeling paint and dusty shelves aren’t the focus of my attention. Nor do I care to dictate to others what work they should be doing, because then I’d have to oversee the mundane jobs and that’s not how I find fulfillment or experience joy.

No, Mary had the good life—sitting at Jesus’ feet without even worrying about what to fix for supper. She could focus all her attention on adoring Him. I suspect Mary was well aware that the One she worshipped had not too long ago provided a meal for thousands. So meal preparation wasn’t a consideration when she sat at the feet of Jesus.

At His footstool, everything slips into focus.

Pausing in His presence transports us to true reality and provides an eternal perspective of life. When we yield our lives at His feet we don’t get tangled in the trivial cares that so often swallow our moments on earth. As we listen to the treasures He shares with us, look into His face, and adore Him, even our overwhelming cares diminish to dust.

I admit I sympathize with Martha because, let’s face it, we all get hungry and want to be fed. Someone has to do the cooking. Yet I suspect Martha missed some blessings by choosing to worry over cuisine instead of joining Mary at the feet of Jesus. By foregoing those moments adoring the God of the universe, I also have a hunch she missed witnessing Jesus serve up a miracle with a meal.


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