Lightning Bolts and Silence

A popular commercial features a nun tapping a car, then a lightning bolt striking the wayward vehicle-the apparent penalty of rear-ending a van driven by a nun. While lightning does strike, that isn’t what I fear about disobeying God.

I fear His silence.

From as early as I can remember, I’ve known His presence. Not that I was born a Christian-there was a moment in time when I gave all of myself to all I knew of Jesus. But I was young when I received Christ, so most of my life has been spent enjoying the fellowship of almighty God.

Quite a privilege for someone who’s just dust.

And then I encounter crossroads. Decisions to follow His standards-His direction-or take an easier route. Struggles. Comfort vs. hard choices.

Sometimes I grow weary, lose heart, and make decisions from a place of discouragement. Why bother?

Most of us have encountered a similar place at some time in our lives. Like Eve, we may question God- Are You holding out on me? Are You really good?

Or like Esau, we may find ourselves indifferent to the privilege of being His child. We may take our birthright lightly. Like Samson, we may be driven by the impulse of our eyes, living for the things in life that look good.

Whether the struggle is as apparent as a one-time car mishap or as hidden as a quiet accusation of the heart, God knows. And while we can be confident that His discipline doesn’t usually come in the form of lightning bolts, we can pray that it doesn’t come through silence.

Life’s greatest tragedy doesn’t intrude as fire from heaven. It comes stealthily-taking His presence lightly, disobeying our Lord, and neglecting the most precious relationship offered to us. Grieving Him robs us of our most treasured gift… the whispers of God.

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