One advantage of being a football fan is that I get plenty of opportunities to partake of the wisdom of the sports analysts. Defensive schemes that don’t work and how …

One advantage of being a football fan is that I get plenty of opportunities to partake of the wisdom of the sports analysts. Defensive schemes that don’t work and how …
I have to admit-given the chance, I’ll take the easy way. The path of least resistance. I really don’t like to struggle. Just give me that big red easy button …
Fall is my favorite season. I eagerly anticipate the shedding of unbearable temperatures and welcome the first hint of a cool breeze. As the leaves dance to the ground, I …
When we face overwhelming, painful circumstances, we typically don’t see our “Lazarus rise from the grave”–our loved one doesn’t sit up in his coffin and walk away from his own …
When disappointment strikes and discouragement claims my heart, I often face the internal assault of the hard questions. Why doesn’t our all-powerful, always good and loving God stop our pain? …
My fourth grade teacher called me to her desk. “I see you’ve always made A’s on your report cards–since you started in first grade. Well, I don’t believe a student …
One of my favorite childhood activities was playing in the backyard with my brothers. We climbed trees, jumped out of swings, ran through water sprinklers, chased the dog, and gathered …
No one will ever accuse me of being a Martha—just one look at my house and you’d know that peeling paint and dusty shelves aren’t the focus of my attention. …
A lot of things in life make me smile—falling leaves, football, and dark chocolate, for starters. I also get a kick out of watching my kids watch movies—they giggle and …
Psalm 51 is the universal Christian cry of confession, thanks to a wayward king who also possessed a “heart after God.” David’s choice to stay home from battle was his …