Living in the world of Wild West gunslingers would’ve been my undoing-I can see the scene unfold. “One more step and I’ll shoot.” My adversary chuckles, spits, and takes one …

Living in the world of Wild West gunslingers would’ve been my undoing-I can see the scene unfold. “One more step and I’ll shoot.” My adversary chuckles, spits, and takes one …
A popular commercial features a nun tapping a car, then a lightning bolt striking the wayward vehicle-the apparent penalty of rear-ending a van driven by a nun. While lightning does …
Every year when baseball season begins my son’s coaches focus on fundamentals: basic skills in fielding, batting, pitching, base-running, and other baseball essentials. Throughout the season, they continue to drill the …
I sat in the restaurant and poured out my problems to my friend. She listened and cried with me. But her question jarred me. What do you want God to …
Baseball, basketball, school, hanging out with friends-all demand a portion of my son’s time. Playing Halo, Rockband, and Madden also claim spare moments. Well, okay, hours. My rare attempts to …
My mother, an English major and history minor, enjoyed tossing around old sayings. “Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive.” She used that one …
Poor Jonah. We sometimes laugh at this pouting prophet, but I’m probably in his company more often than I would want you to know. Perhaps we all share a similarity …
Rahab didn’t have much to live for until she welcomed two strangers into her home. She lived in a pagan land under barren circumstances. To survive, she allowed others to …
“God has given me the gift of pain.” The speaker lived with a chronic debilitating disease as she struggled in a difficult marriage. But she saw the value of her …