Twenty years ago, on a record-breaking hot July 3rd, I stood over my mom’s hospital bed and said good-bye to my best friend. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer …

Twenty years ago, on a record-breaking hot July 3rd, I stood over my mom’s hospital bed and said good-bye to my best friend. She had been diagnosed with breast cancer …
Living in the world of Wild West gunslingers would’ve been my undoing-I can see the scene unfold. “One more step and I’ll shoot.” My adversary chuckles, spits, and takes one …
The radio counselor made a case for not over-scheduling our kids. I rolled my eyes and snapped back at the radio, What about kids who over-schedule their moms? I dropped …
Every year when baseball season begins my son’s coaches focus on fundamentals: basic skills in fielding, batting, pitching, base-running, and other baseball essentials. Throughout the season, they continue to drill the …
We bought a fish aquarium for Christmas. Novice fish-people that we are, we relied heavily on the wisdom of the teenage pet store clerk in choosing the fish to inhabit …
Fall is my favorite season. I eagerly anticipate the shedding of unbearable temperatures and welcome the first hint of a cool breeze. As the leaves dance to the ground, I …
Life was good. I had a mom and a dad, two pretty okay brothers, and a pet beagle. Frizzy hair in a spaghetti-straight world was bearable as long as my …
When I read The Diary of Anne Frank in seventh grade, I was hooked—I knew I wanted to write. I understood that compelling words touched hearts and changed lives, and even …