God gave Joseph a dream, and he dared to share it. Joseph spoke the truth; he shared what God had whispered to his heart as he slept. He shared his …

“God has given me the gift of pain.” The speaker lived with a chronic debilitating disease as she struggled in a difficult marriage. But she saw the value of her …
When we face overwhelming, painful circumstances, we typically don’t see our “Lazarus rise from the grave”–our loved one doesn’t sit up in his coffin and walk away from his own …
When disappointment strikes and discouragement claims my heart, I often face the internal assault of the hard questions. Why doesn’t our all-powerful, always good and loving God stop our pain? …
My fourth grade teacher called me to her desk. “I see you’ve always made A’s on your report cards–since you started in first grade. Well, I don’t believe a student …
My contractions were three minutes apart. I knew it was time to go to the hospital—this fourth baby wouldn’t wait much longer. Suddenly, my husband ran into the room. He …